Ocky Superheroes
I cannot say enough about the amazing staff that I had the honor of working with this summer. These guys were just so dedicated to making a tremendous experience for every single camper that came through our gates from Session 1 through Session 6. They truly embodied the phrase from the old days, "the other fellow first." They put the needs of others before their own for 9 weeks straight and did so with a smile on their face and never-ending enthusiasm. Many people talk about the "young generation" as kids who want things for themselves right now: the job, [...]
Challenge Course Philosophy
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” I have had the fortunate honor of being the Challenge Course Program Coordinator for the past three years. Over those three years I have had sixteen staff members work on my team and countless others come and lend a hand when needed. This year I have watched campers who traditionally did not do well with high elements push past their fears and boundaries and achieve something that three years ago they did not think was possible. I would love to say that [...]