It’s sometimes hard to stop and smell the roses when Camp is in full swing. I find myself thinking about the days when I was living in New York working at Frost Valley as a 17 year old counselor. Over the past couple of summers I have slowly moved farther and farther away from getting to regularly hang-out with campers. My days are filled with coding receipts, marketing, reviewing surveys and talking with parents….very glorious I know.
Last year I started to take pictures because we purchased a new fancy camera and I was extremely excited because I know had an amazing excuse to get out of the office and get back into Camp. Each week I spend a couple of hours walking around Lake Stockwell Day Camp looking for that perfect camper shot. It’s a mix of impromptu and orchestration which with children moving a million miles a minute is extremely tough. Then there is the tribal pictures I get to take on Tuesday afternoon’s. During snack, each tribe is asked to come to the back of the bowl to get their picture. This can be one of the most enjoyable and most tiring experiences for the camper, staff and myself. Trying to line up 20 tired 10 year old’s and then asking the kids to not do bunny ears can be both hilarious and exhausting. All in the pursuit of our weekly video we put together.