I have an old staff shirt from 1992, I believe.  It is badly faded and is, at this point, more of a see-through shirt.  I can’t quite remember where I got it, because I was still a camper in 1992, but the words on the back of the shirt still ring true today for all of our counselors.  I’ve never seen this anywhere but on that old shirt.  We even used it again about 10 or 12 years ago on the back of a staff sweatshirt (that no longer fits around my middle!).   I’m not sure who came up with it or when, but I think it does a great job of summing up what we do.  Enjoy.

Brent Birchler

Boys Camp Director

Code of a Camp Counselor

1.    I am a friend.

2.    I have time for any camper.

3.    I have a broad appreciation.

4.    I am dependable, prompt, and courteous.

5.    I set an example worth following.

6.    I do at least one thing really well.

7.    I am loyal to the camp, its objectives, and management.

8.    I expect to grow, as well as the camper.

9.    I am ready for adventure.

10.  I have a philosophy of life worth sharing.