Hello All…

Well… our Spring “Learn To Cook” class has come to an end… and truthfully, I will miss my team of aspiring Chefs and our fun filled Friday evening classes.

This week we played with Puff Pastry… making Apple Turnovers, Strawberry Tarts and… what I have dubbed “The Loaded Banana”… which consists of a peeled banana, chcoclate chips and marshmallow wrapped up in puff pastry and baked to gooey perfection.

One of the themes I used on this final class and a theme I use whenever I teach cooking or even when share a recpie here on the Blog is expermintation… with flavors, combinations of ingridents… and designing or “customizing” dishes to your own taste.

I want to thank my whole calss for participating and bringing such great energy to our kitchen for the past 4 weeks!!!

(L to R pictured above) Colin, Jared, Brian, Larry, Jack, (me in blue), Wesley, Elizabeth, Morgan, Tamlin and Tori.

You guys were awesome… and, I must say, we all look very cool in our chef jackets?!?!

I want to send out an extra special thank you to all of my assistants over the weeks… Rich, James, Brent and Gab… who gave us all a few hours out of their busy days to hang out and make some yummy food… and to Joe for his behind the scenes work and helping get dinner served on time this past Friday while class was in session.


Be good…

Chef Jason