Okay…here is the brain-trust behind how we use Social Media….Rich, Jason, Keith, Ruben and myself all sitting in a room talking about how great we think Facebook is and how we can use Facebook and other forms of Social Media to help spread the word of Camp.

So, we realized we have three Facebook pages, one for friends, one for people to like us, and one for Alumni. We also realized that each page has different followers so we needed to come up with three different messages. Some messages would be the same (program/staff announcements) for our friends, some would be specific (stories) for our friends, and sometimes we would just post pictures of Camp (my favorite).

Our purpose was to figure out how to get more people on Facebook to check out our pages and use Facebook to find out what was going on each week at Camp. So far, it’s been working, because in the last 6 months, we have been able to add over 1000…yes 1000 new friends and likes to our two Facebook pages.

Have a Facebook account but not friends with us? Head over to; http://www.facebook.com/camp.ockanickon or http://www.facebook.com/pages/YMCA-Camp-Ockanickon-Inc/10951437052 and help us get the word out about all that makes Camp great!

Check back next Saturday to learn about how we plan on using Twitter to change the way we talk about Camp!