We are the L.I.T. group of 2011! L.I.T. means that we are Leaders in Training. Being an L.I.T. includes writing in our newly decorated log books, which are notebooks we record our lessons and adventures in from leadership training.
Though it’s been raining the past two days, we’ve still managed to not let it rain on our parade. On the first full day of camp we made a list of things we’d like to accomplish and because we have a lot of freedom and flexibility with our schedule, we have quickly been crossing things off one by one. We’ve gone boating in the rain, had fun on the huge blow-up slide, played a game of BINGO with all of Matolly, and done team building initiatives at the Challenge Course.
Being an L.I.T. also means we get to help out camp. We take turns raising the flag every morning and washing dishes in the dishroom after every meal. After dinner time, mail is distributed to every camper, we we picked up and sorted earlier! These are just a few things that help teach us responsibility.
The L.I.T. program has been a great experience so far and we can’t wait to see what comes next!

The Matolly L.I.T.s
Abby H., Abby L., Brianna, Caroline, Clara, Emma, Kendal, Jenny, Jessey, Laura, Molly, and Rachael
and our counselors, Cristina and Lauren!