The leadership teams from Ockanickon and Matollionequay joined forces this summer to re-invent an old tradition – Color Wars!!  Color Wars is a day long co-ed event comprised of two teams, the red team and the black team, that compete in various challenges to earn points for their respective team.

The sport challenges for the athletes included soccer, basketball and solley boccer (a mix of soccer and volleyball).  Logic games for the creative thinkers included chess and puzzle making.  There were art activities for the artists among us including banner making, skit making, and creating a boat float.  Some campers even participated in a Scavenger Hunt around camp!   Lastly, the staff from both camps competed in the annual Triangle Swim.  We ended the day with a BBQ prepared by our fabulous kitchen staff, and a closing ceremony where we announced the winner of Color Wars.  Congratulations Red Team!!

The teams we were on during the day will be our teams for life! Sunday, August 7 marked the beginning of a long-lasting tradition at Ockanickon and Matollionequay!

Leadership would like to thank EVERYONE that participated in Color Wars for being caring, honest, respectful, and responsible competitors all day long.  This event would not have been as successful as it was without all of your cooperation.

Next summer, and for every summer to come, Color Wars will strike on an unannounced day.  We can’t wait for next year!