Monthly Archives: April 2011


By |2011-04-12T06:50:32-04:00April 12th, 2011|

Overwhelm - verb - to overpower emotionally I think whenever we hear the word 'overwhelmed' we think of the negative - overwhelmed with work...with stress...with just too much to do. But is it possible to become overwhelmed with positive emotion!?!? That's how I felt yesterday at our Open House. I was completely overwhelmed with the incredible staff that we have working in both our Day Camp and our Overnight Camps. These Professional Role Models travel near and far to be at Camp for our Open House. Their dedication, love and attachment to Camp is so powerful and an overwhelming feeling!!!! [...]

From the Recipe Archive…

By |2011-04-11T10:56:03-04:00April 11th, 2011|

Hello faithful readers… I believe today is the warmest day we’ve had all year so far and it’s only going to get better from here on out!! I thought I’d take this opportunity to reach back in our archives and grab a really great post from a few years ago (2008 to be exact)… something PERFECT for spring and summer Barbecues. The readership (and content) of our Blog has grown quite a lot since it was just little old me posting this and that, here and there… and I’d like to share this recipe, or better yet, technique with our [...]

Boys to Men

By |2011-04-08T14:41:29-04:00April 8th, 2011|

C.I.T.  Counselor in Training.  That gray summer where you are technically still a camper, but you are beginning the transition of becoming a staff member.  This may be one of the coolest things that happens at Camp.  Year after year, I watch some long-time campers and some guys who are new to Camp enter into the Ocky CIT program.  Every year I am amazed by the impact that these guys have on Camp.  I remember many of these guys when they were Cherokees or Algonquins or Rangers.  Some I even knew before they were old enough to come to Overnight [...]

A little sauce on the side…

By |2011-04-02T10:14:16-04:00April 2nd, 2011|

Hello everyone! Now that Spring is upon us and we are all eager to fire up our backyard grills, I've got a great little sauce recipe for you that was a closely guarded family secret... until now. This simple little sauce was something my Mom made anytime we had hamburgers or steaks when I was young... and she still makes it to this day because my Dad loves it!! This recipe makes a small amount but you can certainly multiply the ingredients if you are serving a larger crowd... and because of the melted butter component this sauce is best [...]

Thought of the Day

By |2011-04-01T13:10:43-04:00April 1st, 2011|

I believe it was my final summer as a camper, 1993, when this appeared on the back of the Staff Shirts.  It stuck with me over the years and made another appearance on the staff sweatshirts back in 2002.  Maybe we'll see it again on a staff shirt some day... Code of a Camp Counselor  1.    I am a friend.  2.    I have time for any camper.  3.    I have a broad appreciation.  4.    I am dependable, prompt, and courteous.  5.    I set an example worth following.  6.    I do at least one thing really well.  7.    I am loyal [...]

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